
View the n unsigned bytes as a binary integer in base 256, and return a Python long with the same numeric value. If n is 0, the integer is 0. Else: If little_endian is 1/true, bytes[n-1] is the MSB and bytes[0] the LSB; else (little_endian is 0/false) bytes[0] is the MSB and bytes[n-1] the LSB. If is_signed is 0/false, view the bytes as a non-negative integer. If is_signed is 1/true, view the bytes as a 2's-complement integer, non-negative if bit 0x80 of the MSB is clear, negative if set. Error returns: + Return NULL with the appropriate exception set if there's not enough memory to create the Python long.

extern (C)
const(ubyte)* bytes
size_t n
