
For PyString_FromString(), the parameter `str' points to a null-terminated string containing exactly `size' bytes.

For PyString_FromStringAndSize(), the parameter the parameter `str' is either NULL or else points to a string containing at least `size' bytes. For PyString_FromStringAndSize(), the string in the `str' parameter does not have to be null-terminated. (Therefore it is safe to construct a substring by calling `PyString_FromStringAndSize(origstring, substrlen)'.) If str' is NULL then PyString_FromStringAndSize() will allocate size+1' bytes (setting the last byte to the null terminating character) and you can fill in the data yourself. If `str' is non-NULL then the resulting PyString object must be treated as immutable and you must not fill in nor alter the data yourself, since the strings may be shared.

The PyObject member `op->ob_size', which denotes the number of "extra items" in a variable-size object, will contain the number of bytes allocated for string data, not counting the null terminating character. It is therefore equal to the `size' parameter (for PyString_FromStringAndSize()) or the length of the string in the `str' parameter (for PyString_FromString()). Availability: 2.*

extern (C)
