1 /**
2   Mirror _objimpl.h
3   */
4 module deimos.python.objimpl;
6 import deimos.python.pyport;
7 import deimos.python.object;
9 // Python-header-file: Include/objimpl.h:
10 extern(C):
12 /// _
13 void* PyObject_Malloc(size_t);
15 version(Python_3_5_Or_Later) {
16     /// _
17     void* PyObject_Calloc(size_t, size_t);
18 }
19 /// _
20 void* PyObject_Realloc(void*, size_t);
21 /// _
22 void PyObject_Free(void*);
24  /**
25    Don't allocate memory.  Instead of a 'type' parameter, take a pointer to a
26    new object (allocated by an arbitrary allocator), and initialize its object
27    header fields.
28    */
29 PyObject_BorrowedRef* PyObject_Init(PyObject*, PyTypeObject*);
30 /// ditto
31 Borrowed!PyVarObject* PyObject_InitVar(PyVarObject*,
32         PyTypeObject*, Py_ssize_t);
33 /// _
34 PyObject* _PyObject_New(PyTypeObject*);
35 /// _
36 PyVarObject* _PyObject_NewVar(PyTypeObject*, Py_ssize_t);
37  /**
38    Allocates memory for a new object of the given
39    type, and initializes part of it.  'type' must be the C structure type used
40    to represent the object, and 'typeobj' the address of the corresponding
41    type object.  Reference count and type pointer are filled in; the rest of
42    the bytes of the object are *undefined*!  The resulting expression type is
43    'type *'.  The size of the object is determined by the tp_basicsize field
44    of the type object.
45    */
46 type* PyObject_New(type)(PyTypeObject* o) {
47     return cast(type*)_PyObject_New(o);
48 }
49 /**
50   PyObject_NewVar(type, typeobj, n) is similar but allocates a variable-size
51    object with room for n items.  In addition to the refcount and type pointer
52    fields, this also fills in the ob_size field.
53    */
54 type* PyObject_NewVar(type)(PyTypeObject* o, Py_ssize_t n) {
55     return cast(type*)_PyObject_NewVar(o, n);
56 }
59 /** C equivalent of gc.collect(). */
60 C_long PyGC_Collect();
62 // D translations of C macros:
63 /** Test if a type has a GC head */
64 int PyType_IS_GC()(PyTypeObject* t) {
65     return PyType_HasFeature(t, Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC);
66 }
67 /** Test if an object has a GC head */
68 int PyObject_IS_GC()(PyObject* o) {
69     return PyType_IS_GC(o.ob_type)
70         && (o.ob_type.tp_is_gc == null || o.ob_type.tp_is_gc(o));
71 }
72 /// _
73 PyVarObject* _PyObject_GC_Resize(PyVarObject *, Py_ssize_t);
74 /// _
75 type* PyObject_GC_Resize(type) (PyVarObject *op, Py_ssize_t n) {
76     return cast(type*)_PyObject_GC_Resize(op, n);
77 }
79 /** GC information is stored BEFORE the object structure. */
80 union PyGC_Head {
81     /// _
82     struct _gc {
83         /// _
84         PyGC_Head *gc_next;
85         /// _
86         PyGC_Head *gc_prev;
87         /// _
88         Py_ssize_t gc_refs;
89     }
90     /// _
91     _gc gc;
92     /// _
93     real dummy;
94 }
96 // Numerous macro definitions that appear in objimpl.h at this point are not
97 // document.  They appear to be for internal use, so they're omitted here.
99 /// _
100 PyObject* _PyObject_GC_Malloc(size_t);
101 version(Python_3_5_Or_Later) {
102     /// _
103     PyObject* _PyObject_GC_Calloc(size_t);
104 }
105 /// _
106 PyObject* _PyObject_GC_New(PyTypeObject*);
107 /// _
108 PyVarObject *_PyObject_GC_NewVar(PyTypeObject*, Py_ssize_t);
109 /// _
110 void PyObject_GC_Track(void*);
111 /// _
112 void PyObject_GC_UnTrack(void*);
113 /// _
114 void PyObject_GC_Del(void*);
116 /// _
117 type* PyObject_GC_New(type) (PyTypeObject* o) {
118     return cast(type*)_PyObject_GC_New(o);
119 }
120 /// _
121 type* PyObject_GC_NewVar(type) (PyTypeObject* o, Py_ssize_t n) {
122     return cast(type*)_PyObject_GC_NewVar(o, n);
123 }
125 /** Test if a type supports weak references */
126 auto PyType_SUPPORTS_WEAKREFS()(PyObject* t) {
127     version(Python_3_0_Or_Later) {
128         return (t.tp_weaklistoffset > 0);
129     }else{
130         return (PyType_HasFeature(t, Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_WEAKREFS)
131                 && (t.tp_weaklistoffset > 0));
132     }
133 }
135 /// _
136 auto PyObject_GET_WEAKREFS_LISTPTR(T)(T o) {
137     return cast(PyObject**) ((cast(char *) o) + Py_TYPE(o).tp_weaklistoffset);
138 }