1 /**
2   Mirror _pyport.h
3   */
4 module deimos.python.pyport;
6 import core.stdc.config;
8 /* D long is always 64 bits, but when the Python/C API mentions long, it is of
9  * course referring to the C type long, the size of which is 32 bits on both
10  * X86 and X86_64 under Windows, but 32 bits on X86 and 64 bits on X86_64 under
11  * most other operating systems. */
13 /// _
14 alias long C_longlong;
15 /// _
16 alias ulong C_ulonglong;
18 alias core.stdc.config.c_long C_long;
19 alias core.stdc.config.c_ulong C_ulong;
21 /*
22  * Py_ssize_t is defined as a signed type which is 8 bytes on X86_64 and 4
23  * bytes on X86.
24  */
25 version(Python_2_5_Or_Later){
26     version (X86_64) {
27         /// _
28         alias long Py_ssize_t;
29     } else {
30         /// _
31         alias int Py_ssize_t;
32     }
33     version(Python_3_2_Or_Later) {
34         /// Availability: >= 3.2
35         /// (Py_hash_t invariably replaces C_long, so we always define it for
36         /// convenience)
37         alias Py_ssize_t Py_hash_t;
38         /// Availability: >= 3.2
39         alias size_t Py_uhash_t;
40     }else{
41         alias C_long Py_hash_t;
42     }
43 }else {
44     /*
45      * Seems Py_ssize_t didn't exist in 2.4, and int was everywhere it is now.
46      */
47     /// _
48     alias int Py_ssize_t;
49     /*
50      * Seems Py_hash_t didn't exist in 2.4, and C_long was everywhere it is now.
51      */
52     /// _
53     alias C_long Py_hash_t;
54 }
56 version(linux) version(DigitalMars) version = dmd_linux;
57 version(OSX) version(DigitalMars) version = dmd_osx;
58 template PyAPI_DATA(string decl) {
60     version(dmd_linux) {
61         // has to be special
63         // todo: why does ldc/linux not work this way?
64         //  --export-dynamic seems not to change anything
65         // export causes dmd to prepend symbols with _imp__, so no use.
66         // extern is not necessary for single-command builds
67         //               necessary for traditional per-file builds.
68         enum PyAPI_DATA = (q{
69             extern(C)
70             extern
71             __gshared
72         } ~ decl ~ ";");
73     } else version(dmd_osx) {
74         enum PyAPI_DATA = (q{
75             extern(C)
76             extern
77             __gshared
78         } ~ decl ~ ";");
79     } else {
80         enum PyAPI_DATA = (q{
81             extern(C)
82             extern
83             export
84             __gshared
85         } ~ decl ~ ";");
86     }
87 }