1 /**
2   Mirror abstract.h
4 See_Also:
5 <a href="http://docs.python.org/c-api/abstract.html"> Abstract Objects Layer</a>
6   */
7 module deimos.python.abstract_;
9 import deimos.python.pyport;
10 import deimos.python.object;
12 extern(C):
14 // D translations of C macros:
15 /// _
16 int PyObject_DelAttrString()(PyObject* o, const(char) *a) {
17     return PyObject_SetAttrString(o, a, null);
18 }
19 /// _
20 int PyObject_DelAttr()(PyObject* o, PyObject* a) {
21     return PyObject_SetAttr(o, a, null);
22 }
24 version(Python_3_0_Or_Later) {
25 }else{
26 /// _
27 int PyObject_Cmp(PyObject* o1, PyObject* o2, int *result);
28 }
30 //-//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
32 //-//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
34 /// _
35 PyObject* PyObject_Call(PyObject* callable_object, PyObject* args, PyObject* kw);
36 /// _
37 PyObject* PyObject_CallObject(PyObject* callable_object, PyObject* args);
38 /// _
39 PyObject* PyObject_CallFunction(PyObject* callable_object, char* format, ...);
40 /// _
41 PyObject* PyObject_CallMethod(PyObject* o, const(char)* m, const(char)* format, ...);
42 /// _
43 PyObject* PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(PyObject* callable, ...);
44 /// _
45 PyObject* PyObject_CallMethodObjArgs(PyObject* o,PyObject* m, ...);
47 //-//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
49 //-//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
50 /// _
51 PyObject* PyObject_Type(PyObject* o);
53 //-//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
55 //-//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
57 /// _
58 Py_ssize_t PyObject_Length(PyObject* o);
59 /// _
60 alias PyObject_Length PyObject_Size;
62 version(Python_3_0_Or_Later) {
63     Py_ssize_t PyObject_LengthHint(PyObject*, Py_ssize_t);
64 }else version(Python_2_6_Or_Later){
65     /** The length hint function returns a non-negative value from o.__len__()
66        or o.__length_hint__().  If those methods aren't found or return a negative
67        value, then the defaultvalue is returned.  If one of the calls fails,
68        this function returns -1.
69     */
70     Py_ssize_t _PyObject_LengthHint(PyObject*, Py_ssize_t);
71 }else version(Python_2_5_Or_Later){
72     /** The length hint function returns a non-negative value from o.__len__()
73        or o.__length_hint__().  If those methods aren't found or return a negative
74        value, then the defaultvalue is returned.  If one of the calls fails,
75        this function returns -1.
76     */
77     Py_ssize_t _PyObject_LengthHint(PyObject*);
78 }
80 /// _
81 PyObject* PyObject_GetItem(PyObject* o, PyObject* key);
82 /// _
83 int PyObject_SetItem(PyObject* o, PyObject* key, PyObject* v);
84 /// _
85 int PyObject_DelItemString(PyObject* o, char* key);
86 /// _
87 int PyObject_DelItem(PyObject* o, PyObject* key);
88 /// _
90 int PyObject_AsCharBuffer(PyObject* obj, const(char)** buffer,
91         Py_ssize_t* buffer_len);
92 /// _
93 int PyObject_CheckReadBuffer(PyObject* obj);
94 /// _
95 int PyObject_AsReadBuffer(PyObject* obj, void** buffer, Py_ssize_t* buffer_len);
96 /// _
97 int PyObject_AsWriteBuffer(PyObject* obj, void** buffer, Py_ssize_t* buffer_len);
99 version(Python_2_6_Or_Later){
100     /* new buffer API */
102     /** Return 1 if the getbuffer function is available, otherwise
103        return 0 */
104     int PyObject_CheckBuffer()(PyObject* obj) {
105         version(Python_3_0_Or_Later) {
106             return (obj.ob_type.tp_as_buffer !is null) &&
107                 (obj.ob_type.tp_as_buffer.bf_getbuffer !is null);
108         }else{
109             return (obj.ob_type.tp_as_buffer !is null) &&
110                 PyType_HasFeature(obj.ob_type, Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_NEWBUFFER) &&
111                 (obj.ob_type.tp_as_buffer.bf_getbuffer !is null);
112         }
113     }
115     /** This is a C-API version of the getbuffer function call.  It checks
116        to make sure object has the required function pointer and issues the
117        call.  Returns -1 and raises an error on failure and returns 0 on
118        success
119      */
120     int PyObject_GetBuffer(PyObject* obj, Py_buffer* view,
121             int flags);
123     /** Get the memory area pointed to by the indices for the buffer given.
124        Note that view->ndim is the assumed size of indices
125      */
126     void* PyBuffer_GetPointer(Py_buffer* view, Py_ssize_t* indices);
128     /** Return the implied itemsize of the data-format area from a
129        struct-style description
131        abstract.h lies; this function actually does not exist. We're lying too.
132      */
133     int PyBuffer_SizeFromFormat(const(char) *);
135 /// _
136     int PyBuffer_ToContiguous(void* buf, Py_buffer* view,
137             Py_ssize_t len, char fort);
139     /** Copy len bytes of data from the contiguous chunk of memory
140        pointed to by buf into the buffer exported by obj.  Return
141        0 on success and return -1 and raise a PyBuffer_Error on
142        error (i.e. the object does not have a buffer interface or
143        it is not working).
145        If fort is 'F' and the object is multi-dimensional,
146        then the data will be copied into the array in
147        Fortran-style (first dimension varies the fastest).  If
148        fort is 'C', then the data will be copied into the array
149        in C-style (last dimension varies the fastest).  If fort
150        is 'A', then it does not matter and the copy will be made
151        in whatever way is more efficient.
153      */
154     int PyBuffer_FromContiguous(Py_buffer* view, void* buf,
155             Py_ssize_t len, char fort);
159     /** Copy the data from the src buffer to the buffer of dest
160      */
161     int PyObject_CopyData(PyObject* dest, PyObject* src);
164 /// _
165     int PyBuffer_IsContiguous(Py_buffer* view, char fort);
168     /**  Fill the strides array with byte-strides of a contiguous
169         (Fortran-style if fort is 'F' or C-style otherwise)
170         array of the given shape with the given number of bytes
171         per element.
172      */
173     void PyBuffer_FillContiguousStrides(int ndims,
174             Py_ssize_t* shape,
175             Py_ssize_t* strides,
176             int itemsize,
177             char fort);
179     /** Fills in a buffer-info structure correctly for an exporter
180        that can only share a contiguous chunk of memory of
181        "unsigned bytes" of the given length. Returns 0 on success
182        and -1 (with raising an error) on error.
183      */
184     int PyBuffer_FillInfo(Py_buffer* view, PyObject* o, void* buf,
185             Py_ssize_t len, int readonly,
186             int flags);
188     /** Releases a Py_buffer obtained from getbuffer ParseTuple's s*.
189      */
190     void PyBuffer_Release(Py_buffer* view);
192     /**
193        Takes an arbitrary object and returns the result of
194        calling obj.__format__(format_spec).
195      */
196     PyObject* PyObject_Format(PyObject* obj,
197             PyObject* format_spec);
199 }
201 //-//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
203 //-//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
205 /// _
206 PyObject* PyObject_GetIter(PyObject*);
208 // D translation of C macro:
209 /// _
210 int PyIter_Check()(PyObject* obj) {
211     version(Python_3_0_Or_Later) {
212         return obj.ob_type.tp_iternext != null &&
213             obj.ob_type.tp_iternext != &_PyObject_NextNotImplemented;
214     }else version(Python_2_7_Or_Later) {
215         return PyType_HasFeature(obj.ob_type, Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_ITER)
216             && obj.ob_type.tp_iternext != null &&
217             obj.ob_type.tp_iternext != &_PyObject_NextNotImplemented;
218     }else {
219         return PyType_HasFeature(obj.ob_type, Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_ITER)
220             && obj.ob_type.tp_iternext != null;
221     }
222 }
224 /// _
225 PyObject* PyIter_Next(PyObject*);
227 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
228 // NUMBERS
229 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
231 int PyNumber_Check(PyObject* o);
233 /// _
234 PyObject* PyNumber_Add(PyObject* o1, PyObject* o2);
235 /// _
236 PyObject* PyNumber_Subtract(PyObject* o1, PyObject* o2);
237 /// _
238 PyObject* PyNumber_Multiply(PyObject* o1, PyObject* o2);
240 version(Python_3_5_Or_Later) {
241     /// _
242     PyObject* PyNumber_MatrixMultiply(PyObject* o1, PyObject* o2);
243 }
245 version(Python_3_0_Or_Later) {
246 }else{
247     /// Availability: 2.*
248     PyObject* PyNumber_Divide(PyObject* o1, PyObject* o2);
249 }
250 /// _
251 PyObject* PyNumber_FloorDivide(PyObject* o1, PyObject* o2);
252 /// _
253 PyObject* PyNumber_TrueDivide(PyObject* o1, PyObject* o2);
254 /// _
255 PyObject* PyNumber_Remainder(PyObject* o1, PyObject* o2);
256 /// _
257 PyObject* PyNumber_Divmod(PyObject* o1, PyObject* o2);
258 /// _
259 PyObject* PyNumber_Power(PyObject* o1, PyObject* o2, PyObject* o3);
260 /// _
261 PyObject* PyNumber_Negative(PyObject* o);
262 /// _
263 PyObject* PyNumber_Positive(PyObject* o);
264 /// _
265 PyObject* PyNumber_Absolute(PyObject* o);
266 /// _
267 PyObject* PyNumber_Invert(PyObject* o);
268 /// _
269 PyObject* PyNumber_Lshift(PyObject* o1, PyObject* o2);
270 /// _
271 PyObject* PyNumber_Rshift(PyObject* o1, PyObject* o2);
272 /// _
273 PyObject* PyNumber_And(PyObject* o1, PyObject* o2);
274 /// _
275 PyObject* PyNumber_Xor(PyObject* o1, PyObject* o2);
276 /// _
277 PyObject* PyNumber_Or(PyObject* o1, PyObject* o2);
279 version(Python_2_5_Or_Later) {
280 /// Availability: >= 2.5
281     int PyIndex_Check()(PyObject* obj) {
282         version(Python_3_0_Or_Later) {
283             return obj.ob_type.tp_as_number !is null &&
284                 obj.ob_type.tp_as_number.nb_index !is null;
285         }else{
286             return obj.ob_type.tp_as_number !is null &&
287                 PyType_HasFeature(obj.ob_type, Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_INDEX) &&
288                 obj.ob_type.tp_as_number.nb_index !is null;
289         }
290     }
291 /// Availability: >= 2.5
292     PyObject* PyNumber_Index(PyObject* o);
293     /**
294        Returns the Integral instance converted to an int. The
295        instance is expected to be int or long or have an __int__
296        method. Steals integral's reference. error_format will be
297        used to create the TypeError if integral isn't actually an
298        Integral instance. error_format should be a format string
299        that can accept a char* naming integral's type.
301         Availability: >= 2.5
302      */
303     Py_ssize_t PyNumber_AsSsize_t(PyObject* o, PyObject* exc);
304 }
305 version(Python_2_6_Or_Later) {
306 /// Availability: >= 2.6
307     PyObject*  _PyNumber_ConvertIntegralToInt(
308             PyObject* integral,
309             const(char)* error_format);
310 }
312 version(Python_3_0_Or_Later) {
313 }else {
314     /// Availability: 2.*
315     PyObject* PyNumber_Int(PyObject* o);
316 }
317 /// _
318 PyObject* PyNumber_Long(PyObject* o);
319 /// _
320 PyObject* PyNumber_Float(PyObject* o);
321 /// _
322 PyObject* PyNumber_InPlaceAdd(PyObject* o1, PyObject* o2);
323 /// _
324 PyObject* PyNumber_InPlaceSubtract(PyObject* o1, PyObject* o2);
325 /// _
326 PyObject* PyNumber_InPlaceMultiply(PyObject* o1, PyObject* o2);
328 version(Python_3_5_Or_Later) {
329     /// _
330      PyObject* PyNumber_InPlaceMatrixMultiply(PyObject* o1, PyObject* o2);
331 }
333 version(Python_3_0_Or_Later) {
334 }else{
335     /// Availability: 2.*
336     PyObject* PyNumber_InPlaceDivide(PyObject* o1, PyObject* o2);
337 }
338 /// _
339 PyObject* PyNumber_InPlaceFloorDivide(PyObject* o1, PyObject* o2);
340 /// _
341 PyObject* PyNumber_InPlaceTrueDivide(PyObject* o1, PyObject* o2);
342 /// _
343 PyObject* PyNumber_InPlaceRemainder(PyObject* o1, PyObject* o2);
344 /// _
345 PyObject* PyNumber_InPlacePower(PyObject* o1, PyObject* o2, PyObject* o3);
346 /// _
347 PyObject* PyNumber_InPlaceLshift(PyObject* o1, PyObject* o2);
348 /// _
349 PyObject* PyNumber_InPlaceRshift(PyObject* o1, PyObject* o2);
350 /// _
351 PyObject* PyNumber_InPlaceAnd(PyObject* o1, PyObject* o2);
352 /// _
353 PyObject* PyNumber_InPlaceXor(PyObject* o1, PyObject* o2);
354 /// _
355 PyObject* PyNumber_InPlaceOr(PyObject* o1, PyObject* o2);
357 version(Python_2_6_Or_Later){
358     /**
359        Returns the integer n converted to a string with a base, with a base
360        marker of 0b, 0o or 0x prefixed if applicable.
361        If n is not an int object, it is converted with PyNumber_Index first.
363 Availability: >= 2.6
364      */
365     PyObject* PyNumber_ToBase(PyObject* n, int base);
366 }
368 //-//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
370 //-//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
372 /// _
373 int PySequence_Check(PyObject* o);
374 /// _
375 Py_ssize_t PySequence_Size(PyObject* o);
376 /// _
377 alias PySequence_Size PySequence_Length;
378 /// _
379 PyObject* PySequence_Concat(PyObject* o1, PyObject* o2);
380 /// _
381 PyObject* PySequence_Repeat(PyObject* o, Py_ssize_t count);
382 /// _
383 PyObject* PySequence_GetItem(PyObject* o, Py_ssize_t i);
384 /// _
385 PyObject* PySequence_GetSlice(PyObject* o, Py_ssize_t i1, Py_ssize_t i2);
386 /// _
387 int PySequence_SetItem(PyObject* o, Py_ssize_t i, PyObject* v);
388 /// _
389 int PySequence_DelItem(PyObject* o, Py_ssize_t i);
390 /// _
391 int PySequence_SetSlice(PyObject* o, Py_ssize_t i1, Py_ssize_t i2, PyObject* v);
392 /// _
393 int PySequence_DelSlice(PyObject* o, Py_ssize_t i1, Py_ssize_t i2);
394 /// _
395 PyObject* PySequence_Tuple(PyObject* o);
396 /// _
397 PyObject* PySequence_List(PyObject* o);
398 /// _
399 PyObject* PySequence_Fast(PyObject* o,  const(char)* m);
400 // D translations of C macros:
401 /// _
402 Py_ssize_t PySequence_Fast_GET_SIZE()(PyObject* o) {
403     return PyList_Check(o) ? cast(Py_ssize_t) PyList_GET_SIZE(o) :
404         cast(Py_ssize_t) PyTuple_GET_SIZE(o);
405 }
406 /// _
407 PyObject* PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM()(PyObject* o, Py_ssize_t i) {
408     return PyList_Check(o) ? PyList_GET_ITEM(o, i) : PyTuple_GET_ITEM(o, i);
409 }
410 /// _
411 PyObject* PySequence_ITEM()(PyObject* o, Py_ssize_t i) {
412     return o.ob_type.tp_as_sequence.sq_item(o, i);
413 }
414 /// _
415 PyObject** PySequence_Fast_ITEMS()(PyObject* sf) {
416     return
417         PyList_Check(sf) ?
418         (cast(PyListObject *)sf).ob_item
419         : (cast(PyTupleObject *)sf).ob_item
420         ;
421 }
422 /// _
423 Py_ssize_t PySequence_Count(PyObject* o, PyObject* value);
425 /// _
426 enum PY_ITERSEARCH_COUNT    = 1;
427 /// _
428 enum PY_ITERSEARCH_INDEX    = 2;
429 /// _
431 /// _
432 Py_ssize_t _PySequence_IterSearch(PyObject* seq, PyObject* obj, int operation);
434 /// _
435 int PySequence_In(PyObject* o, PyObject* value);
436 /// _
437 alias PySequence_In PySequence_Contains;
438 /// _
439 Py_ssize_t PySequence_Index(PyObject* o, PyObject* value);
440 /// _
441 PyObject*  PySequence_InPlaceConcat(PyObject* o1, PyObject* o2);
442 /// _
443 PyObject*  PySequence_InPlaceRepeat(PyObject* o, Py_ssize_t count);
445 //-//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
447 //-//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
448 /// _
449 int PyMapping_Check(PyObject* o);
450 /// _
451 Py_ssize_t PyMapping_Length(PyObject* o);
452 /// _
453 alias PyMapping_Length PyMapping_Size;
455 // D translations of C macros:
456 /// _
457 int PyMapping_DelItemString()(PyObject* o, char* k) {
458     return PyObject_DelItemString(o, k);
459 }
460 /// _
461 int PyMapping_DelItem()(PyObject* o, PyObject* k) {
462     return PyObject_DelItem(o, k);
463 }
464 /// _
465 int PyMapping_HasKeyString(PyObject* o, char* key);
466 /// _
467 int PyMapping_HasKey(PyObject* o, PyObject* key);
469 version(Python_3_0_Or_Later) {
470     /// _
471      PyObject* PyMapping_Keys(PyObject* o);
472     /// _
473      PyObject* PyMapping_Values(PyObject* o);
474     /// _
475      PyObject* PyMapping_Items(PyObject* o);
476 }else {
477     // D translations of C macros:
478 /// Availability: 2.*
479     PyObject* PyMapping_Keys()(PyObject* o) {
480         return PyObject_CallMethod(o, "keys", null);
481     }
482 /// Availability: 2.*
483     PyObject* PyMapping_Values()(PyObject* o) {
484         return PyObject_CallMethod(o, "values", null);
485     }
486 /// Availability: 2.*
487     PyObject* PyMapping_Items()(PyObject* o) {
488         return PyObject_CallMethod(o, "items", null);
489     }
490 }
491 /// _
492 PyObject* PyMapping_GetItemString(PyObject* o, char* key);
493 /// _
494 int PyMapping_SetItemString(PyObject* o, char* key, PyObject* value);
496 //-//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
497 // GENERIC
498 //-//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
499 int PyObject_IsInstance(PyObject* object, PyObject* typeorclass);
500 /// _
501 int PyObject_IsSubclass(PyObject* object, PyObject* typeorclass);
502 version(Python_2_6_Or_Later){
503     /// Availability: >= 2.6
504     int _PyObject_RealIsInstance(PyObject* inst, PyObject* cls);
505     /// Availability: >= 2.6
506     int _PyObject_RealIsSubclass(PyObject* derived, PyObject* cls);
507 }
509 version(Python_3_0_Or_Later) {
510     /// _
511     const(char*)* _PySequence_BytesToCharpArray(PyObject* self);
512     /// _
513     void _Py_FreeCharPArray(const(char*)* array);
514 }