1 /*
2 Copyright 2006, 2007 Kirk McDonald
4 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
5 this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
6 the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
7 use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
8 of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
9 so, subject to the following conditions:
11 The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
12 copies or substantial portions of the Software.
21 */
23 /++
24   This module contains some useful type conversion functions. The two
25   most interesting operations here are python_to_d and d_to_python.
27   Additionally, the py function is provided as a convenience to directly
28   convert a D object into an instance of PydObject.
30   To convert a PydObject to a D type, use PydObject.to_d.
31  +/
32 module pyd.make_object;
34 import deimos.python.Python;
36 import std.array;
37 import std.algorithm;
38 import std.complex;
39 import std.typetuple;
40 import std.bigint;
41 import std.datetime;
42 import std.traits;
43 import std.typecons;
44 import std.conv;
45 import std.range;
46 import std.stdio;
48 import pyd.references;
49 import pyd.pydobject;
50 import pyd.class_wrap;
51 import pyd.struct_wrap;
52 import pyd.func_wrap;
53 import pyd.def;
54 import pyd.exception;
55 import pyd.pytypes;
58 shared static this() {
59     init_rangewrapper();
60 }
62 void init_rangewrapper() {
63     version(PydPythonExtension) {
64         on_py_init({
65             wrap_struct!(RangeWrapper,
66                 Def!(RangeWrapper.iter, PyName!"__iter__"),
67                 Def!(RangeWrapper.next))();
68             rangeWrapperInited = true;
69             }, PyInitOrdering.After);
70     }else{
71     on_py_init( {
72             add_module!(ModuleName!"pyd")();
73             });
74     on_py_init( {
75             wrap_struct!(RangeWrapper,
76                 ModuleName!"pyd",
77                 Def!(RangeWrapper.iter, PyName!"__iter__"),
78                 Def!(RangeWrapper.next))();
79             rangeWrapperInited = true;
80             }, PyInitOrdering.After);
81     }
82 }
84 bool rangeWrapperInited = false;
86 class to_conversion_wrapper(dg_t) {
87     alias ParameterTypeTuple!(dg_t)[0] T;
88     alias ReturnType!(dg_t) Intermediate;
89     dg_t dg;
90     this(dg_t fn) { dg = fn; }
91     PyObject* opCall(T t) {
92         static if (is(Intermediate == PyObject*)) {
93             return dg(t);
94         } else {
95             return d_to_python(dg(t));
96         }
97     }
98 }
99 class from_conversion_wrapper(dg_t) {
100     alias ParameterTypeTuple!(dg_t)[0] Intermediate;
101     alias ReturnType!(dg_t) T;
102     dg_t dg;
103     this(dg_t fn) { dg = fn; }
104     T opCall(PyObject* o) {
105         static if (is(Intermediate == PyObject*)) {
106             return dg(o);
107         } else {
108             return dg(python_to_d!(Intermediate)(o));
109         }
110     }
111 }
113 template to_converter_registry(From) {
114     PyObject* delegate(From) dg=null;
115 }
116 template from_converter_registry(To) {
117     To delegate(PyObject*) dg=null;
118 }
120 /**
121 Extend pyd's conversion mechanism. Will be used by d_to_python only if d_to_python cannot
122 convert its argument by regular means.
124 Params:
125 dg = A callable which takes a D type and returns a PyObject*, or any
126 type convertible by d_to_python.
127 */
128 void ex_d_to_python(dg_t) (dg_t dg) {
129     static if (is(dg_t == delegate) && is(ReturnType!(dg_t) == PyObject*)) {
130         to_converter_registry!(ParameterTypeTuple!(dg_t)[0]).dg = dg;
131     } else {
132         auto o = new to_conversion_wrapper!(dg_t)(dg);
133         to_converter_registry!(typeof(o).T).dg = &o.opCall;
134     }
135 }
137 /**
138 Extend pyd's conversion mechanims. Will be used by python_to_d only if python_to_d
139 cannot convert its argument by regular means.
141 Params:
142 dg = A callable which takes a PyObject*, or any type convertible by python_to_d,
143     and returns a D type.
144 */
145 void ex_python_to_d(dg_t) (dg_t dg) {
146     static if (is(dg_t == delegate) && is(ParameterTypeTuple!(dg_t)[0] == PyObject*)) {
147         from_converter_registry!(ReturnType!(dg_t)).dg = dg;
148     } else {
149         auto o = new from_conversion_wrapper!(dg_t)(dg);
150         from_converter_registry!(typeof(o).T).dg = &o.opCall;
151     }
152 }
154 /**
155  * Returns a new (owned) reference to a Python object based on the passed
156  * argument. If the passed argument is a PyObject*, this "steals" the
157  * reference. (In other words, it returns the PyObject* without changing its
158  * reference count.) If the passed argument is a PydObject, this returns a new
159  * reference to whatever the PydObject holds a reference to.
160  *
161  * If the passed argument can't be converted to a PyObject, a Python
162  * RuntimeError will be raised and this function will return null.
163  */
164 PyObject* d_to_python(T) (T t) {
166     // If T is a U or a U*
167     enum isTypeOrPointerTo(U) = is(T == U) || is(T == U*);
169     static if(isTypeOrPointerTo!DateTime || isTypeOrPointerTo!Date ||
170               isTypeOrPointerTo!SysTime || isTypeOrPointerTo!TimeOfDay)
171     {
172         if(PyDateTimeAPI is null) {
173             PyDateTime_IMPORT();
174         }
175     }
177     static if (!is(T == PyObject*) && is(typeof(t is null)) &&
178             !isAssociativeArray!T && !isArray!T) {
179         if (t is null) {
180             return Py_INCREF(Py_None());
181         }
182     }
183     static if (isBoolean!T) {
184         return Py_INCREF(t ? Py_True : Py_False);
185     } else static if(isIntegral!T) {
186         static if(isUnsigned!T) {
187             return PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong(t);
188         }else static if(isSigned!T) {
189             return PyLong_FromLongLong(t);
190         }
191     } else static if (isFloatingPoint!T) {
192         return PyFloat_FromDouble(t);
193     } else static if( isTuple!T) {
194         return d_tuple_to_python!T(t);
195     } else static if (isTypeOrPointerTo!DateTime) {
196         return PyDateTime_FromDateAndTime(t.year, t.month, t.day, t.hour, t.minute, t.second, 0);
197     } else static if (isTypeOrPointerTo!Date) {
198         return PyDate_FromDate(t.year, t.month, t.day);
199     } else static if (isTypeOrPointerTo!SysTime) {
200         return PyDateTime_FromDateAndTime(t.year, t.month, t.day, t.hour, t.minute, t.second, 0);
201     } else static if (isTypeOrPointerTo!TimeOfDay) {
202         return PyTime_FromTime(t.hour, t.minute, t.second, 0);
203     } else static if (is(Unqual!T _unused : Complex!F, F)) {
204         return PyComplex_FromDoubles(t.re, t.im);
205     } else static if(isTypeOrPointerTo!(std.bigint.BigInt)) {
206         return d_bigint_to_python(t);
207     } else static if(is(Unqual!T _unused : PydInputRange!E, E)) {
208         return Py_INCREF(t.ptr);
209     } else static if(is(Unqual!T : Bytes)) {
210         return PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(t.data.ptr, t.data.length);
211     } else static if(isSomeString!T) {
212         return d_string_to_python(t);
213     } else static if (isArray!(T)) {
214         return d_array_to_python(t);
215     } else static if (isAssociativeArray!(T)) {
216         return d_aarray_to_python(t);
217     } else static if (isDelegate!T || isFunctionPointer!T) {
218         PydWrappedFunc_Ready!(T)();
219         return wrap_d_object(t);
220     } else static if (is(T : PydObject)) {
221         return Py_INCREF(t.ptr());
222     } else static if (is(T : PyObject*)) {
223         // The function expects to be passed a borrowed reference and return an
224         // owned reference. Thus, if passed a PyObject*, this will increment the
225         // reference count.
226         Py_XINCREF(t);
227         return t;
228     } else static if (is(T == class)) {
229         // Convert wrapped type to a PyObject*
230         alias Unqual!T Tu;
231         // But only if it actually is a wrapped type. :-)
232         PyTypeObject** type = Tu.classinfo in wrapped_classes;
233         if (type) {
234             return wrap_d_object(t, *type);
235         }
236         return d_to_python_try_extends(t);
237         // If it's not a wrapped type, fall through to the exception.
238     // If converting a struct by value, create a copy and wrap that
239     } else static if (is(T == struct) &&
240             !is(T == RangeWrapper) &&
241             isInputRange!T) {
242         if (to_converter_registry!(T).dg) {
243             return d_to_python_try_extends(t);
244         }else static if(__traits(compiles, wrap_range(t))) {
245             assert(is_wrapped!(RangeWrapper*));
246             return d_to_python(wrap_range(t));
247         }
248     } else static if (is(T == struct)) {
249         alias Unqual!T Tu;
250         if (is_wrapped!(Tu*)) {
251             Tu* temp = new Tu;
252             *temp = cast(Tu) t;
253             return wrap_d_object(cast(T*)temp);
254         }
255         return d_to_python_try_extends(t);
256     // If converting a struct by reference, wrap the thing directly
257     } else static if (is(typeof(*t) == struct)) {
258         alias Unqual!T Tu;
259         if (is_wrapped!(Tu)) {
260             if (t is null) {
261                 return Py_INCREF(Py_None());
262             }
263             return wrap_d_object(t);
264         }
265         return d_to_python_try_extends(t);
266     }
268     assert(0);
269 }
271 PyObject* d_to_python_try_extends(T) (T t) {
272     if (to_converter_registry!(T).dg) {
273         return to_converter_registry!(T).dg(t);
274     }
275     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, ("D conversion function d_to_python failed with type " ~ typeid(T).toString()).ptr);
276     return null;
277 }
279 PyObject* d_tuple_to_python(T) (T t) if (isTuple!T) {
280     T.Types tuple;
281     foreach(i, _t; T.Types) {
282         tuple[i] = t[i];
283     }
284     return PyTuple_FromItems(tuple);
285 }
287 PyObject* d_bigint_to_python(BigInt t) {
288     import std.string: format;
289     string num_str = format("%s\0",t);
290     return PyLong_FromString(num_str.dup.ptr, null, 10);
291 }
293 PyObject* d_string_to_python(T)(T t) if(isSomeString!T) {
294     alias Unqual!(typeof(T.init[0])) C;
295     static if(is(C == char)) {
296         return PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(t.ptr, cast(Py_ssize_t) t.length, null);
297     }else static if(is(C == wchar)) {
298         return PyUnicode_DecodeUTF16(cast(char*) t.ptr,
299                 cast(Py_ssize_t)(2*t.length), null, null);
300     }else static if(is(C == dchar)) {
301         version(Python_2_6_Or_Later) {
302             return PyUnicode_DecodeUTF32(cast(char*) t.ptr,
303                     cast(Py_ssize_t)(4*t.length), null, null);
304         }else{
305             return d_to_python(to!string(t));
306         }
307     }else static assert(false, "waht is this T? " ~ T.stringof);
308 }
310 PyObject* d_array_to_python(T)(T t) if(isArray!T) {
311     // Converts any array (static or dynamic) to a Python list
312     PyObject* lst = PyList_New(cast(Py_ssize_t) t.length);
313     PyObject* temp;
314     if (lst is null) return null;
315     for(int i=0; i<t.length; ++i) {
316         temp = d_to_python(t[i]);
317         if (temp is null) {
318             Py_DECREF(lst);
319             return null;
320         }
321         // Steals the reference to temp
322         PyList_SET_ITEM(lst, cast(Py_ssize_t) i, temp);
323     }
324     return lst;
325 }
327 PyObject* d_aarray_to_python(T)(T t) if(isAssociativeArray!T) {
328     // Converts any associative array to a Python dict
329     PyObject* dict = PyDict_New();
330     PyObject* ktemp, vtemp;
331     int result;
332     if (dict is null) return null;
333     foreach(k, v; t) {
334         ktemp = d_to_python(k);
335         vtemp = d_to_python(v);
336         if (ktemp is null || vtemp is null) {
337             if (ktemp !is null) Py_DECREF(ktemp);
338             if (vtemp !is null) Py_DECREF(vtemp);
339             Py_DECREF(dict);
340             return null;
341         }
342         result = PyDict_SetItem(dict, ktemp, vtemp);
343         Py_DECREF(ktemp);
344         Py_DECREF(vtemp);
345         if (result == -1) {
346             Py_DECREF(dict);
347             return null;
348         }
349     }
350     return dict;
351 }
353 T python_to_aarray(T)(PyObject* py) if(isAssociativeArray!T) {
354     PyObject* keys = null;
355     if(PyDict_Check(py)) {
356         keys = PyDict_Keys(py);
357     }else if(PyMapping_Keys(py)) {
358         keys = PyMapping_Keys(py);
359     }else{
360         could_not_convert!(T)(py);
361         assert(0);
362     }
363     PyObject* iterator = PyObject_GetIter(keys);
364     T result;
365     PyObject* key;
366     while ((key=PyIter_Next(iterator)) !is null) {
367         PyObject* value = PyObject_GetItem(py, key);
368         auto d_key = python_to_d!(KeyType!T)(key);
369         auto d_value = python_to_d!(ValueType!T)(value);
370         result[d_key] = d_value;
371         Py_DECREF(key);
372         Py_DECREF(value);
373     }
374     Py_DECREF(iterator);
375     return result;
376 }
378 /**
379  * Helper function for creating a PyTuple from a series of D items.
380  */
381 PyObject* PyTuple_FromItems(T ...)(T t) {
382     PyObject* tuple = PyTuple_New(t.length);
383     PyObject* temp;
384     if (tuple is null) return null;
385     foreach(i, arg; t) {
386         temp = d_to_python(arg);
387         if (temp is null) {
388             Py_DECREF(tuple);
389             return null;
390         }
391         PyTuple_SetItem(tuple, i, temp);
392     }
393     return tuple;
394 }
396 /**
397  * Constructs an object based on the type of the argument passed in.
398  *
399  * For example, calling py(10) would return a PydObject holding the value 10.
400  *
401  * Calling this with a PydObject will return back a reference to the very same
402  * PydObject.
403  */
404 PydObject py(T) (T t) {
405     static if(is(T : PydObject)) {
406         return t;
407     } else {
408         return new PydObject(d_to_python(t));
409     }
410 }
412 /**
413  * An exception class used by python_to_d.
414  */
415 class PydConversionException : Exception {
416     this(string msg, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__) {
417         super(msg, file, line);
418     }
419 }
421 /**
422  * This converts a PyObject* to a D type. The template argument is the type to
423  * convert to. The function argument is the PyObject* to convert. For instance:
424  *
425  *$(D_CODE PyObject* i = PyInt_FromLong(20);
426  *int n = _python_to_d!(int)(i);
427  *assert(n == 20);)
428  *
429  * This throws a PydConversionException if the PyObject can't be converted to
430  * the given D type.
431  */
432 T python_to_d(T) (PyObject* o) {
433     import std.string: format;
435     // This ordering is somewhat important. The checks for Tuple and Complex
436     // must be before the check for general structs.
437     version(PydPythonExtension) {
438         // druntime doesn't run module ctors :(
439         if(!rangeWrapperInited) {
440             init_rangewrapper();
441         }
442     }
444     static if (is(PyObject* : T)) {
445         return o;
446     } else static if (is(PydObject : T)) {
447         return new PydObject(borrowed(o));
448     } else static if (is(T == void)) {
449         if (o != cast(PyObject*) Py_None()) could_not_convert!(T)(o);
450         return;
451     } else static if (isTuple!T) {
452         if(PyTuple_Check(o)) {
453             return python_to_d_tuple!T(o);
454         }
455         return python_to_d_try_extends!T(o);
456     } else static if (is(Unqual!T _unused : Complex!F, F)) {
457         if (PyComplex_Check(o) || isNumpyComplexNumber(o)) {
458             return python_to_d_complex!T(o);
459         }
460         return python_to_d_try_extends!T(o);
461     } else static if(is(Unqual!T == std.bigint.BigInt)) {
462         if (isPyNumber(o)) {
463             return python_to_d_bigint!T(o);
464         }
465         if (isNumpyNumber(o)) {
466             auto i = to_python_int(o);
467             return python_to_d_bigint!T(i);
468         }
469         return python_to_d_try_extends!T(o);
470     } else static if(is(T == DateTime)) {
471         if(PyDateTimeAPI is null) {
472             PyDateTime_IMPORT();
473         }
474         if(PyDateTime_Check(o)) {
475             int year = PyDateTime_GET_YEAR(o);
476             int month = PyDateTime_GET_MONTH(o);
477             int day = PyDateTime_GET_DAY(o);
478             int hour = PyDateTime_DATE_GET_HOUR(o);
479             int minute = PyDateTime_DATE_GET_MINUTE(o);
480             int second = PyDateTime_DATE_GET_SECOND(o);
481             return DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second);
482         }
483         if(PyDate_Check(o)) {
484             int year = PyDateTime_GET_YEAR(o);
485             int month = PyDateTime_GET_MONTH(o);
486             int day = PyDateTime_GET_DAY(o);
487             return DateTime(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0);
488         }
489         if(is_numpy_datetime64(o)) {
490             return python_to_d_numpy_datetime64!T(o);
491         }
493     } else static if(is(T == Date)) {
494         if(PyDateTimeAPI is null) {
495             PyDateTime_IMPORT();
496         }
497         if(PyDateTime_Check(o) || PyDate_Check(o)) {
498             int year = PyDateTime_GET_YEAR(o);
499             int month = PyDateTime_GET_MONTH(o);
500             int day = PyDateTime_GET_DAY(o);
501             return Date(year, month, day);
502         }
503         if(is_numpy_datetime64(o)) {
504             return python_to_d_numpy_datetime64!T(o);
505         }
506     } else static if(is(T == SysTime)) {
507         if(PyDateTimeAPI is null) {
508             PyDateTime_IMPORT();
509         }
510         if(PyDateTime_Check(o)) {
511             int year = PyDateTime_GET_YEAR(o);
512             int month = PyDateTime_GET_MONTH(o);
513             int day = PyDateTime_GET_DAY(o);
514             int hour = PyDateTime_DATE_GET_HOUR(o);
515             int minute = PyDateTime_DATE_GET_MINUTE(o);
516             int second = PyDateTime_DATE_GET_SECOND(o);
517             auto dt = DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second);
518             return SysTime(dt);
519         }
520         if(PyDate_Check(o)) {
521             int year = PyDateTime_GET_YEAR(o);
522             int month = PyDateTime_GET_MONTH(o);
523             int day = PyDateTime_GET_DAY(o);
524             auto dt = DateTime(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0);
525             return SysTime(dt);
526         }
527         if(is_numpy_datetime64(o)) {
528             return python_to_d_numpy_datetime64!T(o);
529         }
530     } else static if(is(T == TimeOfDay)) {
531         if(PyDateTimeAPI is null) {
532             PyDateTime_IMPORT();
533         }
534         if(PyTime_Check(o)) {
535             int hour = PyDateTime_TIME_GET_HOUR(o);
536             int minute = PyDateTime_TIME_GET_MINUTE(o);
537             int second = PyDateTime_TIME_GET_SECOND(o);
538             return TimeOfDay(hour, minute, second);
539         }
540         if(PyDateTime_Check(o)) {
541             int hour = PyDateTime_DATE_GET_HOUR(o);
542             int minute = PyDateTime_DATE_GET_MINUTE(o);
543             int second = PyDateTime_DATE_GET_SECOND(o);
544             return TimeOfDay(hour, minute, second);
545         }
546         if(is_numpy_datetime64(o)) {
547             return python_to_d_numpy_datetime64!T(o);
548         }
549     } else static if(is(Unqual!T _unused : PydInputRange!E, E)) {
550         return cast(T) PydInputRange!E(borrowed(o));
551     } else static if (is(T == class)) {
552         // We can only convert to a class if it has been wrapped, and of course
553         // we can only convert the object if it is the wrapped type.
554         if (
555             is_wrapped!(T) &&
556             PyObject_IsInstance(o, cast(PyObject*)&PydTypeObject!(T)) )
557         {
558             if ( get_d_reference!T(o) !is null) {
559                 return get_d_reference!(T)(o);
560             }
561         }
562         return python_to_d_try_extends!T(o);
563     } else static if(is(Unqual!T : Bytes)) {
564         if(PyBytes_Check(o)) {
565             Bytes bytes;
566             char* ptr;
567             Py_ssize_t length;
568             PyBytes_AsStringAndSize(o, &ptr, &length);
569             bytes.data = ptr[0 .. length];
570             return bytes;
571         }else {
572             could_not_convert!(T)(o);
573         }
574     } else static if (is(T == struct)) { // struct by value
576         // struct is wrapped
577         if (is_wrapped!(T*) && PyObject_TypeCheck(o, &PydTypeObject!(T*))) {
578             return *get_d_reference!(T*)(o);
579         }
580         // or struct is wrapped range
581         if(PyObject_IsInstance(o,
582                     cast(PyObject*)&PydTypeObject!(RangeWrapper*))) {
583             RangeWrapper* wrapper = get_d_reference!(RangeWrapper*)(o);
584             if(typeid(T) != wrapper.tid) {
585                 could_not_convert!T(o, format("typeid mismatch: %s vs %s",
586                             wrapper.tid, typeid(T)));
587             }
588             T t = *cast(T*) wrapper.range;
589             return t;
590         }
591         return python_to_d_try_extends!T(o);
592     } else static if (isPointer!T && is(PointerTarget!T == struct)) {
593         // pointer to struct
594         if (is_wrapped!(T) && PyObject_TypeCheck(o, &PydTypeObject!(T))) {
595             return get_d_reference!(T)(o);
596         }
597         return python_to_d_try_extends!T(o);
598     } else static if (is(T == delegate)) {
599         // Get the original wrapped delegate out if this is a wrapped delegate
600         if (is_wrapped!(T) && PyObject_TypeCheck(o, &PydTypeObject!(T))) {
601             return get_d_reference!(T)(o);
602         // Otherwise, wrap the PyCallable with a delegate
603         } else if (PyCallable_Check(o)) {
604             return PydCallable_AsDelegate!(T)(o);
605         }
606         return python_to_d_try_extends!T(o);
607     } else static if (isDelegate!T || isFunctionPointer!T) {
608         // We can only make it a function pointer if we originally wrapped a
609         // function pointer.
610         if (is_wrapped!(T) && PyObject_TypeCheck(o, &PydTypeObject!(T))) {
611             return get_d_reference!(T)(o);
612         }
613         return python_to_d_try_extends!T(o);
614     } else static if (isSomeString!T) {
615         return python_to_d_string!T(o);
616     } else static if (isArray!T || IsStaticArrayPointer!T) {
617         static if(isPointer!T) {
618             alias Unqual!(ElementType!(PointerTarget!T)) E;
619         }else {
620             alias Unqual!(ElementType!T) E;
621         }
622         version(Python_2_6_Or_Later) {
623             if(PyObject_CheckBuffer(o)) {
624                 return python_buffer_to_d!(T)(o);
625             }
626         }
627         if(o.ob_type is array_array_Type) {
628             return python_array_array_to_d!T(o);
629         }else {
630             return python_iter_to_d!T(o);
631         }
632     } else static if (isAssociativeArray!T) {
633         return python_to_aarray!T(o);
634     } else static if (isFloatingPoint!T) {
635         if (isPyNumber(o) || isNumpyNumber(o)) {
636             double res = PyFloat_AsDouble(o);
637             return cast(T) res;
638         }
639         return python_to_d_try_extends!T(o);
640     } else static if(isIntegral!T) {
641         if (isNumpyNumber(o)) {
642             o = to_python_int(o);
643         }
645         version(Python_3_0_Or_Later) {
646         }else{
647             if(PyInt_Check(o)) {
648                 C_long res = PyInt_AsLong(o);
649                 handle_exception();
650                 static if(isUnsigned!T) {
651                     if(res < 0) could_not_convert!T(o, format("%s out of bounds [%s, %s]", res, 0, T.max));
652                     if(T.max < res) could_not_convert!T(o,format("%s out of bounds [%s, %s]", res, 0, T.max));
653                     return cast(T) res;
654                 }else static if(isSigned!T) {
655                     if(T.min > res) could_not_convert!T(o, format("%s out of bounds [%s, %s]", res, T.min, T.max));
656                     if(T.max < res) could_not_convert!T(o, format("%s out of bounds [%s, %s]", res, T.min, T.max));
657                     return cast(T) res;
658                 }
659             }
660         }
661         if(PyLong_Check(o)) {
662             static if(isUnsigned!T) {
663                 static assert(T.sizeof <= C_ulonglong.sizeof);
664                 C_ulonglong res = PyLong_AsUnsignedLongLong(o);
665                 handle_exception();
666                 // no overflow from python to C_ulonglong,
667                 // overflow from C_ulonglong to T?
668                 if(T.max < res) could_not_convert!T(o);
669                 return cast(T) res;
670             }else static if(isSigned!T) {
671                 static assert(T.sizeof <= C_longlong.sizeof);
672                 C_longlong res = PyLong_AsLongLong(o);
673                 handle_exception();
674                 // no overflow from python to C_longlong,
675                 // overflow from C_longlong to T?
676                 if(T.min > res) could_not_convert!T(o);
677                 if(T.max < res) could_not_convert!T(o);
678                 return cast(T) res;
679             }
680         }
682         return python_to_d_try_extends!T(o);
683     } else static if (isBoolean!T) {
684         if (isPyNumber(o) || isNumpyNumber(o)) {
685             int res = PyObject_IsTrue(o);
686             return res == 1;
687         }
688         return python_to_d_try_extends!T(o);
689     }
691     assert(0);
692 }
694 PyObject* to_python_int(PyObject* o) {
695     auto builtins = new PydObject(PyEval_GetBuiltins());
696     auto int_ = builtins["int"];
697     return int_(o).to_d!(PyObject*)();
698 }
700 T python_to_d_try_extends(T) (PyObject* o) {
701     if (from_converter_registry!(T).dg) {
702         return from_converter_registry!(T).dg(o);
703     }
704     could_not_convert!(T)(o);
705     assert(0);
706 }
708 T python_to_d_tuple(T) (PyObject* o) {
709     T.Types tuple;
710     auto len = PyTuple_Size(o);
711     if(len != T.Types.length) could_not_convert!T(o);
712     foreach(i,_t; T.Types) {
713         auto obj =  Py_XINCREF(PyTuple_GetItem(o, i));
714         tuple[i] = python_to_d!_t(obj);
715         Py_DECREF(obj);
716     }
717     return T(tuple);
718 }
720 T python_to_d_complex(T) (PyObject* o) {
721     import pyd.util.conv;
722     static if (is(Unqual!T _unused : Complex!F, F)) {
723         double real_ = python_to_d!double(PyObject_GetAttrString(o, "real"));
724         handle_exception();
725         double imag = python_to_d!double(PyObject_GetAttrString(o, "imag"));
726         handle_exception();
727         return complex!(F,F)(real_, imag);
728     }else static assert(false);
729 }
731 T python_to_d_bigint(T) (PyObject* o) {
732     string num_str = python_to_d!string(o);
733     if(num_str.endsWith("L")) num_str = num_str[0..$-1];
734     return BigInt(num_str);
735 }
737 T python_to_d_string(T) (PyObject* o) {
738     alias Unqual!(typeof(T.init[0])) C;
739     PyObject* str;
740     if(PyBytes_Check(o)) {
741         static if(is(C == char)) {
742             str = o;
743         }else{
744             version(Python_3_0_Or_Later) {
745                 str = PyObject_Str(o);
746                 if(!str) handle_exception();
747             }else{
748                 str = PyObject_Unicode(o);
749                 if(!str) handle_exception();
750             }
751         }
752     }else if(PyUnicode_Check(o)) {
753         str = o;
754     }else {
755         str = PyObject_Repr(o);
756         if(!str) handle_exception();
757         version(Python_3_0_Or_Later) {
758         }else{
759             static if(!is(C == char)) {
760                 str = PyObject_Unicode(str);
761                 if(!str) handle_exception();
762             }
763         }
764     }
765     static if(is(C == char)) {
766         if(PyBytes_Check(str)) {
767             const(char)* res = PyBytes_AsString(str);
768             if(!res) handle_exception();
769             return to!T(res);
770         }
771     }
773     if(PyUnicode_Check(str)) {
774         static if(is(C == char)) {
775             PyObject* utf8 = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(str);
776             if(!utf8) handle_exception();
777             const(char)* res = PyBytes_AsString(utf8);
778             if(!res) handle_exception();
779             return to!T(res);
780         }else static if(is(C == wchar)) {
781             PyObject* utf16 = PyUnicode_AsUTF16String(str);
782             if(!utf16) handle_exception();
783             // PyUnicode_AsUTF16String puts a BOM character in front of
784             // string
785             auto ptr = cast(const(wchar)*)(PyBytes_AsString(utf16)+2);
786             Py_ssize_t len = PyBytes_Size(utf16)/2-1;
787             wchar[] ws = new wchar[](len);
788             ws[] = ptr[0 .. len];
789             return cast(T) ws;
790         }else static if(is(C == dchar)) {
791             version(Python_2_6_Or_Later) {
792                 PyObject* utf32 = PyUnicode_AsUTF32String(str);
793                 if(!utf32) handle_exception();
794                 // PyUnicode_AsUTF32String puts a BOM character in front of
795                 // string
796                 auto ptr = cast(const(dchar)*)(PyBytes_AsString(utf32)+4);
797                 Py_ssize_t len = PyBytes_Size(utf32)/4-1;
798                 dchar[] ds = new dchar[](len);
799                 ds[] = ptr[0 .. len];
800                 return cast(T) ds;
801             }else{
802                 return to!(T)(python_to_d!string(str));
803             }
804         }else static assert(false, "what T is this!? " ~ T.stringof);
805     }
806     assert(0);
807 }
810 // (*^&* array doesn't implement the buffer interface, but we still
811 // want it to copy fast.
812 /// Convert an array.array object to a D object.
813 ///
814 /// Used by python_to_d.
815 T python_array_array_to_d(T)(PyObject* o)
816 if(isArray!T || IsStaticArrayPointer!T) {
817     import std.exception: enforce;
818     import std.string: format;
819     import core.stdc.string : memcpy;
821     static if(isPointer!T)
822         alias Unqual!(ElementType!(PointerTarget!T)) E;
823     else
824         alias Unqual!(ElementType!T) E;
825     if(o.ob_type !is array_array_Type)
826         could_not_convert!T(o, "not an array.array");
827     arrayobject* arr_o = cast(arrayobject*) o;
828     // array.array's data can be got with a single memcopy.
829     enforce(arr_o.ob_descr, "array.ob_descr null!");
830     char typecode = cast(char) arr_o.ob_descr.typecode;
831     if(!match_format_type!E(""~typecode)) {
832         could_not_convert!T(o, format("item mismatch: '%s' vs %s",
833                     typecode, E.stringof));
834     }
836     int itemsize = arr_o.ob_descr.itemsize;
837     if(itemsize != E.sizeof)
838         could_not_convert!T(o,
839                 format("item size mismatch: %s vs %s",
840                     itemsize, E.sizeof));
841     Py_ssize_t count = Py_SIZE(arr_o);
842     if(count < 0)
843         could_not_convert!T(o, format("nonsensical array length: %s",
844                     count));
845     MatrixInfo!T.unqual _array;
846     static if(isDynamicArray!T) {
847         _array = new MatrixInfo!T.unqual(count);
848     }else {
849         if(!MatrixInfo!T.check([count]))
850             could_not_convert!T(o,
851                     format("length mismatch: %s vs %s", count, T.length));
852     }
853     // copy data, don't take slice
854     static if(isPointer!(typeof(_array))) {
855         memcpy((*_array).ptr, arr_o.ob_item, count*itemsize);
856     }else{
857         memcpy(_array.ptr, arr_o.ob_item, count*itemsize);
858     }
859     //_array[] = cast(E[]) arr_o.ob_item[0 .. count*itemsize];
860     return cast(T) _array;
861 }
863 /**
864   Convert a d array to a python array.array.
865   array.array does not support 8 byte integers.
867   Not used by d_to_python.
868   */
869 PyObject* d_to_python_array_array(T)(T t)
870 if((isArray!T || IsStaticArrayPointer!T) &&
871         MatrixInfo!T.ndim == 1 &&
872         SimpleFormatType!(MatrixInfo!T.MatrixElementType).supported) {
873     import core.stdc.string : memcpy;
875     alias MatrixInfo!T.MatrixElementType ME;
876     PyObject* pyformat = SimpleFormatType!ME.pyType();
877     PyObject* args = PyTuple_New(1);
878     PyTuple_SetItem(args, 0, pyformat);
879     scope(exit) Py_DECREF(args);
880     PyObject* obj = array_array_Type.tp_new(array_array_Type, args, null);
881     if(!obj) handle_exception();
882     arrayobject* arr_o = cast(arrayobject*) obj;
883     Py_ssize_t[] shape = MatrixInfo!T.build_shape(t);
884     size_t datalen = ME.sizeof*shape[0];
885     Py_SET_SIZE(arr_o, shape[0]);
886     void* data = PyMem_Malloc(datalen);
887     static if(isPointer!T) {
888         memcpy(data, t, datalen);
889     }else {
890         memcpy(data, t.ptr, datalen);
891     }
892     arr_o.ob_item = cast(ubyte*) data;
893     return obj;
894 }
896 /**
897   Convert a D object to python bytes (str, in python 2).
898 */
899 PyObject* d_to_python_bytes(T)(T t) if(is(T == string)) {
900     return PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(t.ptr, cast(Py_ssize_t) t.length);
901 }
903 /** Convert an iterable Python object to a D object.
904   *
905   * Used by python_to_d.
906   */
907 T python_iter_to_d(T)(PyObject* o) if(isArray!T || IsStaticArrayPointer!T) {
908     import std.string: format;
910     static if(isPointer!T)
911         alias Unqual!(ElementType!(PointerTarget!T)) E;
912     else
913         alias Unqual!(ElementType!T) E;
914     PyObject* iter = PyObject_GetIter(o);
915     if (iter is null) {
916         PyErr_Clear();
917         could_not_convert!(T)(o);
918     }
919     scope(exit) Py_DECREF(iter);
920     Py_ssize_t len = PyObject_Length(o);
921     if (len == -1) {
922         PyErr_Clear();
923         could_not_convert!(T)(o);
924     }
926     MatrixInfo!T.unqual _array;
927     static if(isDynamicArray!T) {
928         _array = new MatrixInfo!T.unqual(len);
929     }else static if(isStaticArray!T){
930         if(len != T.length)
931             could_not_convert!T(o,
932                     format("length mismatch: %s vs %s",
933                         len, T.length));
934     }else static if(isPointer!T){
935         ubyte[] bufi = new ubyte[](PointerTarget!T.sizeof);
936         _array = cast(MatrixInfo!T.unqual)(bufi.ptr);
937     }
938     int i = 0;
939     PyObject* item = PyIter_Next(iter);
940     while (item) {
941         try {
942             _array[i] = python_to_d!(E)(item);
943         } catch(PydConversionException e) {
944             Py_DECREF(item);
945             // We re-throw the original conversion exception, rather than
946             // complaining about being unable to convert to an array. The
947             // partially constructed array is left to the GC.
948             throw e;
949         }
950         ++i;
951         Py_DECREF(item);
952         item = PyIter_Next(iter);
953     }
954     return cast(T) _array;
955 }
957 bool isPyNumber(PyObject* obj) {
958     version(Python_3_0_Or_Later) {
959         return
960             PyLong_Check(obj) ||
961             PyFloat_Check(obj);
962     }else{
963         return
964             PyInt_Check(obj) ||
965             PyLong_Check(obj) ||
966             PyFloat_Check(obj);
967     }
968 }
970 const(char)[] type_name(PyObject* obj) {
971     import core.stdc.string : strlen;
973     auto type = cast(PyTypeObject*)PyObject_Type(obj);
974     return type.tp_name[0 .. strlen(type.tp_name)];
975 }
977 bool isNumpyBool(PyObject* obj) {
978     switch(type_name(obj)) {
979         case "numpy.bool_":
980             return true;
981         default:
982             return false;
983     }
984 }
986 bool isNumpyInteger(PyObject* obj) {
987     switch(type_name(obj)) {
988         case "numpy.int8":
989         case "numpy.int16":
990         case "numpy.int32":
991         case "numpy.int64":
992         case "numpy.uint8":
993         case "numpy.uint16":
994         case "numpy.uint32":
995         case "numpy.uint64":
996             return true;
997         default:
998             return false;
999     }
1000 }
1002 bool isNumpyFloat(PyObject* obj) {
1003     switch(type_name(obj)) {
1004         case "numpy.float32":
1005         case "numpy.float64":
1006             return true;
1007         default:
1008             return false;
1009     }
1010 }
1012 bool isNumpyComplexNumber(PyObject* obj) {
1013     switch(type_name(obj)) {
1014         case "numpy.complex32":
1015         case "numpy.complex64":
1016             return true;
1017         default:
1018             return false;
1019     }
1020 }
1022 bool isNumpyNumber(PyObject* obj) {
1023     return isNumpyBool(obj) || isNumpyInteger(obj) || isNumpyFloat(obj);
1024 }
1026 version(Python_2_6_Or_Later) {
1027 /// Convert a Python new-style buffer to a D object.
1028 ///
1029 /// Used by python_to_d.
1030 T python_buffer_to_d(T)(PyObject* o)
1031 if (isArray!T || IsStaticArrayPointer!T) {
1032     import std.string: format;
1033     import core.stdc.string : memcpy;
1035     PydObject bob = new PydObject(borrowed(o));
1036     auto buf = bob.buffer_view();
1037     alias MatrixInfo!T.MatrixElementType ME;
1038     MatrixInfo!T.unqual _array;
1039     /+
1040     if(buf.itemsize != ME.sizeof)
1041         could_not_convert!T(o, format("item size mismatch: %s vs %s",
1042                     buf.itemsize, ME.sizeof));
1043     +/
1044     if(!match_format_type!ME(buf.format)) {
1045         could_not_convert!T(o, format("item type mismatch: '%s' vs %s",
1046                     buf.format, ME.stringof));
1047     }
1048     if(buf.has_nd) {
1049         if(!MatrixInfo!T.check(buf.shape))
1050             could_not_convert!T(o,
1051                     format("dimension mismatch: %s vs %s",
1052                         buf.shape, MatrixInfo!T.dimstring));
1053         if(buf.c_contiguous) {
1054             // woohoo! single memcpy
1055             static if(MatrixInfo!T.isRectArray && isStaticArray!T) {
1056                 memcpy(_array.ptr, buf.buf.ptr, buf.buf.length);
1057             }else{
1058                 alias MatrixInfo!T.RectArrayType RectArrayType;
1059                 static if(!isStaticArray!(RectArrayType)) {
1060                     ubyte[] dbuf = new ubyte[](buf.buf.length);
1061                     memcpy(dbuf.ptr, buf.buf.ptr, buf.buf.length);
1062                 }
1063                 size_t rectsize = ME.sizeof;
1064                 size_t MErectsize = 1;
1065                 foreach(i; MatrixInfo!T.rectArrayAt .. MatrixInfo!T.ndim) {
1066                     rectsize *= buf.shape[i];
1067                     MErectsize *= buf.shape[i];
1068                 }
1069                 static if(MatrixInfo!T.isRectArray) {
1070                     static if(isPointer!T)
1071                         _array = cast(typeof(_array)) dbuf.ptr;
1072                     else {
1073                         static assert(isDynamicArray!T);
1074                         _array = cast(typeof(_array)) dbuf;
1075                     }
1076                 }else{
1077                     // rubbish. much pointer pointing
1078                     size_t offset = 0;
1079                     static if(isDynamicArray!T) {
1080                         _array = new MatrixInfo!T.unqual(buf.shape[0]);
1081                     }
1082                     enum string xx = (MatrixInfo!T.matrixIter(
1083                         "_array", "buf.shape", "_indices",
1084                         MatrixInfo!T.rectArrayAt, q{
1085                     static if(isDynamicArray!(typeof($array_ixn))) {
1086                         $array_ixn = new typeof($array_ixn)(buf.shape[$i+1]);
1087                     }
1088                     static if(is(typeof($array_ixn) == RectArrayType)) {
1089                         // should be innermost loop
1090                         assert(offset + rectsize <= buf.buf.length,
1091                                 "uh oh: overflow!");
1092                         alias typeof($array_ixn) rectarr;
1093                         static if(isStaticArray!rectarr) {
1094                             memcpy($array_ixn.ptr, buf.buf.ptr + offset, rectsize);
1095                         }else{
1096                             static assert(isDynamicArray!rectarr);
1098                             $array_ixn = (cast(typeof($array_ixn.ptr))(dbuf.ptr + offset))
1099                                 [0 .. MErectsize];
1100                         }
1101                         offset += rectsize;
1102                     }
1103                         },
1104                         ""));
1105                     mixin(xx);
1106                 }
1107             }
1108         }else if(buf.fortran_contiguous) {
1109             // really rubbish. no memcpy.
1110             static if(isDynamicArray!T) {
1111                 _array = new MatrixInfo!T.unqual(buf.shape[0]);
1112             }else static if(isPointer!T) {
1113                 ubyte[] dubuf = new ubyte[](buf.buffer.len);
1114                 _array = cast(typeof(_array)) dubuf.ptr;
1116             }
1117             enum string xx = (MatrixInfo!T.matrixIter(
1118                 "_array", "buf.shape", "_indices",
1119                 MatrixInfo!T.ndim, q{
1120                 static if(isDynamicArray!(typeof($array_ixn))) {
1121                     $array_ixn = new typeof($array_ixn)(buf.shape[$i+1]);
1122                 }else static if(is(typeof($array_ixn) == ME)) {
1123                     $array_ixn = buf.item!ME(cast(Py_ssize_t[]) _indices);
1124                 }
1125                 },
1126                 ""));
1127             mixin(xx);
1128         }else {
1129             // wut?
1130             could_not_convert!T(o,("todo: know what todo"));
1131             assert(0);
1132         }
1133         return cast(T) _array;
1134     }else if(buf.has_simple) {
1135         /*
1136            static if(isDynamicArray!T) {
1137            E[] array = new E[](buf.buf.length);
1138            }else static if(isStaticArray!T) {
1139            if(buf.buf.length != T.length)
1140            could_not_convert!T(o,
1141            format("length mismatch: %s vs %s",
1142            buf.buf.length, T.length));
1143            E[T.length] array;
1144            }
1145            return cast(T) array;
1146          */
1147         assert(0, "py jingo wat we do here?");
1148     }
1149     return cast(T) _array;
1150 }
1151 }
1153 /**
1154   Wrap a D input range as a python iterator object.
1156   Does not work for UFCS ranges (e.g. arrays), classes
1157   */
1158 auto wrap_range(Range)(Range range) if(is(Range == struct)) {
1159     static assert(!is(Range == RangeWrapper));
1160     import core.memory;
1161     RangeWrapper wrap;
1162     // the hackery! the hackery!
1163     Range* keeper = cast(Range*) GC.calloc(Range.sizeof);
1164     std.algorithm.move(range, *keeper);
1165     wrap.range = cast(void*) keeper;
1166     wrap.tid = typeid(Range);
1167     wrap.empty = dg_wrapper(keeper, &Range.empty);
1168     wrap.popFront = dg_wrapper(keeper, &Range.popFront);
1169     auto front_dg =
1170         dg_wrapper(keeper, cast(ElementType!Range function()) &Range.front);
1171     wrap.front = delegate PyObject*() {
1172         return d_to_python(front_dg());
1173     };
1174     return wrap;
1175 }
1177 /**
1178   Wrapper type wrapping a D input range as a python iterator object
1180   Lives in reserved python module "pyd".
1181   */
1182 struct RangeWrapper {
1183     void* range;
1184     void delegate() popFront;
1185     PyObject* delegate() front;
1186     bool delegate() empty;
1187     TypeInfo tid;
1189     RangeWrapper* iter() {
1190         return &this;
1191     }
1192     PyObject* next() {
1193         if(this.empty()) {
1194             return null;
1195         }else {
1196             auto result = d_to_python(this.front());
1197             this.popFront();
1198             return result;
1199         }
1200     }
1201 }
1203 /// Check T against format
1204 /// See_Also:
1205 /// <a href='http://docs.python.org/library/struct.html#struct-format-strings'>
1206 /// Struct Format Strings </a>
1207 bool match_format_type(T)(string format) {
1208     import std.exception: enforce;
1210     alias T S;
1211     size_t S_size = S.sizeof;
1212     enforce(format.length > 0);
1214     bool native_size = false;
1215     switch(format[0]) {
1216         case '@':
1217             // this (*&^& function is not defined
1218             //PyBuffer_SizeFromFormat()
1219             native_size = true;
1220             goto case;
1221         case '=','<','>','!':
1222             format = format[1 .. $];
1223         default:
1224             break;
1225     }
1226     // by typeishness
1227     switch(format[0]) {
1228         case 'x', 's', 'p':
1229             // don't support these
1230             enforce(false, "unsupported format: " ~ format);
1231         case 'c':
1232             break;
1233         case 'b', 'h','i','l','q':
1234             if(!isSigned!S) return false;
1235             else break;
1236         case 'B', 'H', 'I', 'L','Q':
1237             if(!isUnsigned!S) return false;
1238             else break;
1239         case 'f','d':
1240             if(!isFloatingPoint!S) return false;
1241             else break;
1242         case '?':
1243             if(!isBoolean!S) return false;
1244         case 'Z':
1245             if (format.length > 1) {
1246                 static if(is(S : Complex!F, F)) {
1247                     S_size = F.sizeof;
1248                 }else{
1249                     return false;
1250                 }
1251             }
1252             format = format[1..$];
1253             break;
1254         default:
1255             enforce(false, "unknown format: " ~ format);
1256     }
1258     // by sizeishness
1259     if(native_size) {
1260         // grr
1261         assert(0, "todo");
1262     }else{
1263         switch(format[0]) {
1264             case 'c','b','B','?':
1265                 return (S_size == 1);
1266             case 'h','H':
1267                 return (S_size == 2);
1268             case 'i','I','l','L','f':
1269                 return (S_size == 4);
1270             case 'q','Q','d':
1271                 return (S_size == 8);
1272             default:
1273                 enforce(false, "unknown format: " ~ format);
1274                 assert(0); // seriously, d?
1276         }
1277     }
1278 }
1280 /// generate a struct format string from T
1281 template SimpleFormatType(T) {
1282     enum supported =
1283         (isFloatingPoint!T && (T.sizeof == 4 || T.sizeof == 8) ||
1284         isIntegral!T);
1286     PyObject* pyType() {
1287         //assert(supported);
1288         static if(supported) {
1289             version(Python_3_0_Or_Later) {
1290                 alias to_python = d_to_python;
1291             }else{
1292                 // stinking py2 array won't take unicode
1293                 alias to_python = d_to_python_bytes;
1294             }
1295             static if(isFloatingPoint!T && T.sizeof == 4) {
1296                 return to_python("f");
1297             }else static if(isFloatingPoint!T && T.sizeof == 8) {
1298                 return to_python("d");
1299             }else static if(isIntegral!T && T.sizeof == 1) {
1300                 return to_python(isSigned!T ? "b" : "B");
1301             }else static if(isIntegral!T && T.sizeof == 2) {
1302                 return to_python(isSigned!T ? "h" : "H");
1303             }else static if(isIntegral!T && T.sizeof == 4) {
1304                 return to_python(isSigned!T ? "i" : "I");
1305             }else static if(isIntegral!T && T.sizeof == 8) {
1306                 return to_python(isSigned!T ? "q" : "Q");
1307             }else {
1308                 return null;
1309             }
1310         }else{
1311             assert(false);
1312         }
1313     }
1314 }
1317 /**
1318   Check that T is a pointer to a rectangular static array.
1319   */
1320 template IsStaticArrayPointer(T) {
1321     template _Inner(S) {
1322         static if(isStaticArray!S) {
1323             enum _Inner = _Inner!(ElementType!S);
1324         } else static if(isArray!S || isPointer!S) {
1325             enum _Inner = false;
1326         }else {
1327             enum _Inner = true;
1328         }
1329     }
1330     static if(isPointer!T) {
1331         enum bool IsStaticArrayPointer = _Inner!(PointerTarget!T);
1332     }else{
1333         enum bool IsStaticArrayPointer = false;
1334     }
1335 }
1337 /**
1338   Some reflective information about multidimensional arrays
1340   Handles dynamic arrays, static arrays, and pointers to static arrays.
1341 */
1342 template MatrixInfo(T) if(isArray!T || IsStaticArrayPointer!T) {
1343     template ElementType2(_T) {
1344         static if(isSomeString!_T) {
1345             alias ElementType2=_T;
1346         }else{
1347             alias ElementType2=ElementType!_T;
1348         }
1349     }
1351     template _dim_list(T, dimi...) {
1352         static if(isSomeString!T) {
1353             alias dimi list;
1354             alias T elt;
1355             alias Unqual!T unqual;
1356         } else static if(isDynamicArray!T) {
1357             alias _dim_list!(ElementType2!T, dimi,-1) next;
1358             alias next.list list;
1359             alias next.elt elt;
1360             alias next.unqual[] unqual;
1361         }else static if(isStaticArray!T) {
1362             alias _dim_list!(ElementType2!T, dimi, cast(Py_ssize_t) T.length) next;
1363             alias next.list list;
1364             alias next.elt elt;
1365             alias next.unqual[T.length] unqual;
1366         }else {
1367             alias dimi list;
1368             alias T elt;
1369             alias Unqual!T unqual;
1370         }
1371     }
1373     string tuple2string(T...)() {
1374         string s = "[";
1375         foreach(i, t; T) {
1376             if(t == -1) s ~= "*";
1377             else s ~= to!string(t);
1378             if(i == T.length-1) {
1379                 s ~= "]";
1380             }else{
1381                 s ~= ",";
1382             }
1383         }
1384         return s;
1385     }
1387     /**
1388       Build shape from t. Assumes all arrays in a dimension are initialized
1389       and of uniform length.
1390       */
1391     Py_ssize_t[] build_shape(T t) {
1392         Py_ssize_t[] shape = new Py_ssize_t[](ndim);
1393         mixin(shape_builder_mixin("t", "shape"));
1394         return shape;
1395     }
1397     string shape_builder_mixin(string arr_name, string shape_name) {
1398         static if(isPointer!T) {
1399             string s_ixn = "(*" ~ arr_name ~ ")";
1400         }else{
1401             string s_ixn = arr_name;
1402         }
1403         string s = "";
1404         foreach(i; 0 .. ndim) {
1405             s ~= shape_name ~ "["~ to!string(i) ~"] = cast(Py_ssize_t)" ~ s_ixn ~ ".length;";
1406             s_ixn ~= "[0]";
1407         }
1408         return s;
1409     }
1411     /**
1412       Ensures that T can store a matrix of _shape shape.
1413       */
1414     bool check(Py_ssize_t[] shape) {
1415         if (shape.length != dim_list.length) return false;
1416         foreach(i, d; dim_list) {
1417             static if(dim_list[i] == -1) continue;
1418             else if(d != shape[i]) return false;
1419         }
1420         return true;
1421     }
1423 /**
1424 Generate a mixin string of nested for loops that iterate over the
1425 first ndim dimensions of an array of type T (or, preferrably
1426 MatrixInfo!T.unqual).
1428 Params:
1429 arr_name = name of array to iterate.
1430 shape_name = name of array of dimension lengths.
1431 index_name = name to use for index vector. Declared in a new nested scoped.
1432 ndim = number of dimensions to iterate over.
1433 pre_code = code to mixin each for loop before beginning the nested for loop.
1434 post_code = code to mix in to each for loop after finishing the nested for loop.
1435 */
1437     string matrixIter(string arr_name, string shape_name,
1438             string index_name,
1439             size_t ndim,
1440             string pre_code, string post_code) {
1441         string s_begin = "{\n";
1442         string s_end = "}\n";
1443         static if(isPointer!T) {
1444             string s_ixn = "(*" ~ arr_name ~ ")";
1445         }else{
1446             string s_ixn = arr_name;
1447         }
1449         s_begin ~= "size_t[" ~ to!string(ndim) ~ "] " ~ index_name ~ ";\n";
1450         foreach(i; 0 .. ndim) {
1451             string s_i = to!string(i);
1452             s_ixn ~= "["~ index_name ~ "[" ~ s_i ~ "]]";
1453             string index = index_name~ "[" ~ s_i ~ "]";
1454             string shape_i = shape_name ~ "[" ~ s_i ~ "]";
1455             s_begin ~= "for("~index~" = 0;" ~index ~ " < " ~ shape_i ~
1456                 "; " ~ index ~ "++) {";
1457             s_end ~= "}\n";
1459             string pre_code_i = replace(pre_code, "$array_ixn", s_ixn);
1460             pre_code_i = replace(pre_code_i, "$i", s_i);
1461             s_begin ~= pre_code_i;
1462             string post_code_i = replace(post_code, "$array_ixn", s_ixn);
1463             post_code_i = replace(post_code_i, "$i", s_i);
1464             s_end ~= post_code_i;
1465         }
1466         return s_begin ~ s_end;
1467     }
1469     static if(isPointer!T && isStaticArray!(PointerTarget!T)) {
1470         alias _dim_list!(PointerTarget!T) _dim;
1471         /// T, with all nonmutable qualifiers stripped away.
1472         alias _dim.unqual* unqual;
1473     }else{
1474         alias _dim_list!T _dim;
1475         alias _dim.unqual unqual;
1476     }
1477     /// tuple of dimensions of T.
1478     /// dim_list[0] will be the dimension furthest from the MatrixElementType
1479     /// i.e. for double[1][2][3], dim_list == (3, 2, 1).
1480     /// Lists -1 as dimension of dynamic arrays.
1481     alias _dim.list dim_list;
1482     /// number of dimensions of this matrix
1483     enum ndim = dim_list.length;
1484     /// T is a RectArray if:
1485     /// * it is any multidimensional static array (or a pointer to)
1486     /// * it is a 1 dimensional dynamic array
1487     enum bool isRectArray = staticIndexOf!(-1, dim_list) == -1 || dim_list.length == 1;
1488     //(1,2,3) -> rectArrayAt == 0
1489     //(-1,2,3) -> rectArrayAt == 1 == 3 - 2 == len - max(indexof_rev, 1)
1490     //(-1,-1,1) -> rectArrayAt == 2 == 3 - 1 == len - max(indexof_rev,1)
1491     //(-1,-1,-1) -> rectArrayAt == 2 == 3 - 1 == len - max(indexof_rev,1)
1492     //(2,2,-1) -> rectArrayAt == 2
1493     enum size_t indexof_rev = staticIndexOf!(-1, Reverse!dim_list);
1494     /// Highest dimension where it and all subsequent dimensions form a
1495     /// RectArray.
1496     enum size_t rectArrayAt = isRectArray ? 0 : dim_list.length - max(indexof_rev, 1);
1497     template _rect_type(S, size_t i) {
1498         static if(i == rectArrayAt) {
1499             alias S _rect_type;
1500         } else {
1501             alias _rect_type!(ElementType!S, i+1) _rect_type;
1502         }
1503     }
1504     /// unqualified highest dimension subtype of T forming RectArray
1505     alias _rect_type!(unqual, 0) RectArrayType;
1506     /// Pretty string of dimension list for T
1507     enum string dimstring = tuple2string!(dim_list)();
1508     /// Matrix element type of T
1509     /// E.g. immutable(double) for T=immutable(double[4][4])
1510     alias _dim.elt MatrixElementType;
1511 }
1513 @property PyTypeObject* array_array_Type() {
1514     static PyTypeObject* m_type;
1515     if(!m_type) {
1516         PyObject* array = PyImport_ImportModule("array");
1517         scope(exit) Py_XDECREF(array);
1518         m_type = cast(PyTypeObject*) PyObject_GetAttrString(array, "array");
1519     }
1520     return m_type;
1521 }
1523 alias python_to_d!(Object) python_to_d_Object;
1525 void could_not_convert(T) (PyObject* o, string reason = "",
1526         string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__) {
1527     import std.string: format;
1528     // Pull out the name of the type of this Python object, and the
1529     // name of the D type.
1530     string py_typename, d_typename;
1531     PyObject* py_type, py_type_str;
1532     py_type = PyObject_Type(o);
1533     if (py_type is null) {
1534         py_typename = "<unknown>";
1535     } else {
1536         py_type_str = PyObject_GetAttrString(py_type, cast(const(char)*) "__name__".ptr);
1537         Py_DECREF(py_type);
1538         if (py_type_str is null) {
1539             py_typename = "<unknown>";
1540         } else {
1541             py_typename = python_to_d!string(py_type_str);
1542             Py_DECREF(py_type_str);
1543         }
1544     }
1545     d_typename = typeid(T).toString();
1546     string because;
1547     if(reason != "") because = format(" because: %s", reason);
1548     throw new PydConversionException(
1549             format("Couldn't convert Python type '%s' to D type '%s'%s",
1550                 py_typename,
1551                 d_typename,
1552                 because),
1553             file, line
1554     );
1555 }
1557 // stuff this down here until we can figure out what to do with it.
1558 // Python-header-file: Modules/arraymodule.c:
1560 struct arraydescr{
1561     int typecode;
1562     int itemsize;
1563     PyObject* function(arrayobject*, Py_ssize_t) getitem;
1564     int function(arrayobject*, Py_ssize_t, PyObject*) setitem;
1565 }
1567 struct arrayobject {
1568     mixin PyObject_VAR_HEAD;
1569     ubyte* ob_item;
1570     Py_ssize_t allocated;
1571     arraydescr* ob_descr;
1572     PyObject* weakreflist; /* List of weak references */
1573 }
1575 template get_type(string _module, string type_name) {
1576     @property PyTypeObject* get_type() {
1577         static PyTypeObject* m_type;
1578         static bool inited = false;
1579         if(!inited) {
1580             inited = true;
1581             PyObject* py_module = PyImport_ImportModule(_module);
1582             if(py_module) {
1583                 scope(exit) Py_XDECREF(py_module);
1584                 m_type = cast(PyTypeObject*) PyObject_GetAttrString(
1585                     py_module, type_name
1586                 );
1587             }else{
1588                 PyErr_Clear();
1589             }
1590         }
1591         return m_type;
1592     }
1593 }
1595 alias numpy_datetime64 = get_type!("numpy", "datetime64");
1596 alias datetime_datetime = get_type!("datetime", "datetime");
1599 bool is_numpy_datetime64(PyObject* py) {
1600     auto py_type = cast(PyTypeObject*) PyObject_Type(py);
1601     return (numpy_datetime64 !is null && py_type == numpy_datetime64);
1602 }
1604 T python_to_d_numpy_datetime64(T)(PyObject* py) {
1605     PyObject* astype = PyObject_GetAttrString(py, "astype");
1606     PyObject* args = PyTuple_FromItems(cast(PyObject*) datetime_datetime);
1607     scope(exit) Py_DECREF(args);
1608     PyObject* datetime = PyObject_CallObject(astype, args);
1609     scope(exit) Py_DECREF(datetime);
1610     return python_to_d!T(datetime);
1611 }