1 module testdll;
3 import deimos.python.Python;
4 import pyd.pyd;
5 import std.stdio, std.string;
7 void foo() {
8     writeln("20 Monkey");
9 }
11 void foo(int i) {
12     writefln("You entered %s", i);
13 }
15 string bar(int i) {
16     if (i > 10) {
17         return "It's greater than 10!";
18     } else {
19         return "It's less than 10!";
20     }
21 }
23 void baz(int i=10, string s="moo") {
24     writefln("i = %s\ns = %s", i, s);
25 }
27 class Foo {
28     int m_i;
29     this() { }
30     this(int i) {
31         m_i = i;
32     }
33     this(int i, int j) {
34         m_i = i + j;
35     }
36     void foo() {
37         writefln("Foo.foo(): i = %s", m_i);
38     }
39     int length() { return 10; }
40     int opSlice(size_t i1, size_t i2) {
41         writeln(i1, " ", i2);
42         return 12;
43     }
44     int opIndex(int x, int y) {
45         writeln(x, " ", y);
46         return x+y;
47     }
48     Foo opBinary(string op)(Foo f) if(op == "+")
49     {
50         return new Foo(m_i + f.m_i);
51     }
53     struct Range {
54         int i = 0;
56         @property bool empty() {
57             return i >= 10;
58         }
59         @property int front() {
60             return i+1;
61         }
62         void popFront() {
63             i++;
64         }
65     }
67     Range opSlice() {
68         return Range();
69     }
70     @property int i() { return m_i; }
71     @property void i(int j) { m_i = j; }
72     void a() {}
73     void b() {}
74     void c() {}
75     void d() {}
76     void e() {}
77     void f() {}
78     void g() {}
79     void h() {}
80     void j() {}
81     void k() {}
82     void l() {}
83     void m() {}
84     void n() {}
85     void o() {}
86     void p() {}
87     void q() {}
88     void r() {}
89     void s() {}
90     void t() {}
91     void u() {}
92     void v() {}
93     void w() {}
94     void x() {}
95     void y() {}
96     void z() {}
97 }
99 void delegate() func_test() {
100     return { writeln("Delegate works!"); };
101 }
103 void dg_test(void delegate() dg) {
104     dg();
105 }
107 class Bar {
108     int[] m_a;
109     this() { }
110     this(int[] i ...) { m_a = i; }
111 }
113 struct S {
114     int i;
115     char[] s;
116     void write_s() {
117         writeln(s);
118     }
119 }
122 struct A {
123     int i;
124 }
126 Foo spam(Foo f) {
127     f.foo();
128     Foo g = new Foo(f.i + 10);
129     return g;
130 }
132 void throws() {
133     throw new Exception("Yay! An exception!");
134 }
136 A conv1() {
137     A a;
138     a.i = 12;
139     return a;
140 }
141 void conv2(A a) {
142     writeln(a.i);
143 }
145 extern(C) void PydMain() {
146     pragma(msg, "testdll.PydMain");
147     ex_d_to_python(delegate int(A a) { return a.i; });
148     ex_python_to_d(delegate A(int i) { A a; a.i = i; return a; });
150     def!(foo)();
151     // Python does not support function overloading. This requires us to wrap
152     // an overloading function under a different name. Note that if the
153     // overloaded function is not the lexically first, the type of the function
154     // must be specified
155     def!(foo, PyName!"foo2", void function(int))();
156     pragma(msg, bar.mangleof);
157     def!(bar)();
158     // Default argument support - Now implicit!
159     def!(baz)();
160     def!(spam)();
161     def!(func_test)();
162     def!(dg_test)();
163     def!(throws)();
164     def!(conv1)();
165     def!(conv2)();
167     module_init();
168     wrap_class!(
169         Foo,
170         PyName!"Foo",
171         Docstring!"A sample class.",
172         Init!(int),
173         Init!(int, int),
174         Property!(Foo.i, Docstring!"A sample property of Foo."),
175         OpBinary!("+"),
176         Def!(Foo.opSlice, PyName!"__iter__", Foo.Range function()),
177         Def!(Foo.foo, Docstring!"A sample method of Foo."),
178         Def!(Foo.a),
179         Def!(Foo.b),
180         Def!(Foo.c),
181         Def!(Foo.d),
182         Def!(Foo.e),
183         Def!(Foo.f),
184         Def!(Foo.g),
185         Def!(Foo.h),
186         Def!(Foo.j),
187         Def!(Foo.k),
188         Def!(Foo.l),
189         Def!(Foo.m),
190         Def!(Foo.n)/*, // Maximum length
191         Def!(Foo.o),
192         Def!(Foo.p),
193         Def!(Foo.q),
194         Def!(Foo.r),
195         Def!(Foo.s),
196         Def!(Foo.t),
197         Def!(Foo.u),
198         Def!(Foo.v),
199         Def!(Foo.w),
200         Def!(Foo.x),
201         Def!(Foo.y),
202         Def!(Foo.z), */
203     )();
205     wrap_struct!(
206         S,
207         Docstring!"A sample struct.",
208         Def!(S.write_s, Docstring!"A struct member function."),
209         Member!("i", Docstring!"One sample data member of S."),
210         Member!("s", Docstring!"Another sample data member of S."),
211     )();
213 }